How To Relieve A Toothache At Home
It couldn’t have happened at a worse time. You have a sudden toothache… and there’s going to be a wait to see a dentist. This may be for a variety of reasons, [...]
It couldn’t have happened at a worse time. You have a sudden toothache… and there’s going to be a wait to see a dentist. This may be for a variety of reasons, [...]
While a lot of dental offices have begun reopening in Ohio, there are still some people who are considered at risk and should stay home. They may be feeling sick themselves or [...]
There are many warning signs out there that it’s time to consider getting dentures. You can have a very bad toothache that won’t go away, red gums, loose teeth, trouble chewing food [...]
It’s important to know how to best take care of your teeth whether you’re staying at home for extended periods of time or if regular day-to-day life has resumed. People find themselves [...]
Life has changed for an entire nation. What used to be routine - going out, talking with friends… going to the dentist for cleanings - has been shut down. Everything has been [...]
What people put into their mouths can affect their overall health. Eating too many calories and not getting enough exercise can lead to problems like being overweight and having conditions like diabetes. [...]
People love getting as much value out of what they pay for. They may drive a car far past its warranty to avoid paying for a new one. The same can go [...]
Tartar, which is hardened plaque, can build up under the gums if one doesn’t pay attention to their oral hygiene. You can’t brush or floss it off. It usually happens if you [...]
Dentures are quite popular these days. A lot of people get them for their affordability and the improvements to their smile, which can boost confidence. People know what they can do, but [...]
For many parents, the daily task getting their kids to brush and floss their teeth can feel like trying to climb Mount Everest… with one arm tied behind their back and a [...]