(614) 252-3181
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Replacing Missing Teeth

People lose teeth for a variety of reasons. It could be because of gum disease or an accident. Whatever the cause, they need to have that space filled or they will find that their other teeth will actually shift and cause bite problems.

This is for the people who have lost one or a couple of teeth. There are options for people who have lost an entire row of upper or lower teeth. Those will be discussed in a future post.

There are several options for people when it comes to fixing missing teeth. They can range from being removable to being fixed.

Partial Dentures

While partial dentures can be effective at filling the gap of missing teeth and preventing the sunken-in look that people who have lost teeth have, they also require a pretty decent amount of maintenance. People need to brush them at least once a day to remove food particles and they also need to be soaked in a special solution overnight.

The partial dentures also only fill the space of the missing tooth. That means that the jawbone underneath can continue to lose mass, which can change one’s appearance. 

Also, while these dentures can be functional, they are not stable, which means that one’s speech and eating habits can change. They do not last long compared to dental implants, around seven years to the implants’ twenty or so.

Dental Bridges

This is a go-between for dentures and dental implants. The dentist shapes teeth around the missing ones and then attaches the bridge that replaces the missing tooth. 

Dental Bridge has been the most common option of fixed replacements for many decades. Most private insurances covers some cost for this option. Bridge requires regular maintenance , flossing and dental check-ups. 

Dental Implants

The dental implant process is one that can take several months. The dentist or specialist will first surgically insert titanium screws into the patient’s jaw. They will wait for the patient’s jawbone to fuse with the screw, so it can act as a root for the replacement tooth. Once the tooth has been put in, minus a short recovery period, the patient will be able to eat like they normally do. They also just brush and floss as usual.

Dental implants are not available for everyone – it depends on the state of the jaw. People younger than 20 shouldn’t be considered, since their jawbone isn’t fully developed. The dentist or specialist will look at how much mass is in the jaw and may try a bone graft to improve the mass.

There are other circumstances that may dictate the choice. Finances can play a big part. Even though the implants more than pay for themselves due to their longevity and lack of extra care needed, it just may not be feasible. Smoking and uncontrolled diabetes can negatively affect implants and cause high failures. 

When it comes to any of these options, the staff at U.S. Dental Medical can help a patient decide. Their in-house dental lab also cuts down tremendously on waiting time. Give them a call to learn more: 614-252-3181.