(614) 252-3181
949 E. Livingston Ave, Columbus, OH 43205
Dental Procedures

Everything You Need To Know About Dental Bridges

Types of Dental Bridges, Procedure & Dental Bridge Care in Columbus

You have a gap in your mouth. It can be one or several missing teeth. The areas need to be filled or the remaining teeth will shift in your mouth and possibly cause bite problems, among other things. One option that you may want to consider is a dental bridge in Columbus. It can restore your ability to talk, chew and also allow you to be able to smile again without being self-conscious. 

What is it? Basically, it’s a false tooth that is usually anchored by a crown or two that will fill the gap in your mouth. This may be recommended if you have a lot of healthy natural teeth remaining. There are several types, which will be touched on in this post.

Read on to learn all you need to know about dental bridges


Different Types of Bridges

There are: 

  • Traditional Bridges –  This is the most popular choice for people who are missing a single tooth. The fake tooth is between two crowns. One thing that you need to consider here is that the crowns will be placed over teeth that are healthy, unlike the usual scenario where a crown is used in a root canal procedure or for an already damaged tooth.
  • Maryland Bridges – With this one, the fake tooth is inserted into the gap and a metal structure is then cemented behind the teeth. This way, the natural teeth are preserved.
  • Cantilever Bridges – This is where only one crown and a fake tooth are used. You will usually pay less for this because less equipment is needed and it is considered less invasive. It’s important that you have healthy teeth and gums for this one, though. Since they are only anchored on one side, you also run the slightly higher risk of them breaking due to bite force.
  • Implant Supported Bridges –  If you are missing several teeth in a row, then your dentist may choose this option. It may take the longest out of all of them since the dentist will have to insert screws into your jawbone for the implants. You will have to wait for several weeks to a month for the fusing process.

Your Columbus cosmetic dentist may suggest a bridge since it is a faster process than some other options like dentures, requires no bone grafting and is relatively inexpensive. 


The Dental Bridge Process

If you are getting the traditional bridge, your dentist in Columbus will remove some enamel from the teeth that are getting the crowns put over them. This is so that there is room for the crown to fit. Then the dentist will make an impression of those teeth, which are sent to a dental lab, in-house or not, and the bridge is made. You will get a temporary bridge while the permanent one is made. 

The final steps include the fitting of the permanent crowns, and if they do fit properly, then they are cemented into place. Your Columbus dental bridge dentist will make sure that your bite is not too high, a process that may take an extra visit to perfect. Usually, a permanent cement is used to bond the tooth to the crown, but a temporary one may be used until the crown is deemed to be perfectly aligned. 


Post Procedure

As far as eating with the dental bridge goes, you should be careful about what you put in your mouth. No more sticky or hard candies. In fact, you should try to avoid sugary foods in general, since it can get under your crown and cause decay. Try to have soft foods at first and then move to foods like fruit and vegetables and high fiber.

You can wind up with a fantastic smile with a bridge. As always, you need to stick with regular dental visits so that they can monitor the state of the bridge and make any adjustments as time goes on. If there is any discomfort or pain, then you need to see a dental professional immediately to prevent any possible infection.

Ultimately, you have to decide whether you want a dental bridge or something more permanent like the dental implant. It can come down to cost, though you can always inquire with your Columbus dental clinic about payment plans if that is a concern. Also there is the fact that your jaw bone may continue to deteriorate under the bridge, since there are no roots under the replacement tooth. An implant can stop bone loss since the screw acts as an artificial root. 

When it comes to dental bridges, the staff at US Dental Medical will make sure that the process is a smooth one for you. They will gladly guide you through everything from the very beginning and answer any questions you have. If you live in or near the Columbus area, give them a call today to make an appointment at 614-252-3181.


Published By:
US Dental and Medical Care
949 E Livingston Ave,
Columbus, OH 43205
Phone: (614) 252-3181
Website: https://usdentalmedical.com